When is a loan considered uncollectible? Small business loans from the state I received a non-repayable loan of 2,400,000 rubles

Probably, this is the dream of everyone - to receive a huge amount of money as a gift. However, the chances of winning the lottery or inheriting a fortune are very slim. On the other hand, offers from brokers to assist in obtaining a non-repayable loan, when you can take a couple of tens or hundreds of thousands of rubles on credit from a bank and not return them, seem to be a very real way to get rich easily and quickly or find yourself in a financial trap!?

Diagram 1. Brutal divorce

Due to the financial crisis and the lack of money, many have to take out loans or look for where to get money for a living or major purchases. And against the background of such a situation, the offers of loan brokers are especially tempting. you do not have to return anything to the bank, and you can dispose of the money as you please. Sounds very tempting, right? Who in their dreams would not want to suddenly get a hundred or two thousand rubles as a gift and not return anything?! And here they offer to make dreams come true ...

Are you already thinking about turning to such a broker for help? Moreover, he does not require money in advance, but takes payment for services only after applying for a loan, which means, it seems, he cannot deceive. Believe it can! Moreover, he will circle your finger so that you will rake up the consequences of your gullibility for several more years.

The circuit is very simple. They assure you that they can issue a non-repayable loan for you, send various documents and reviews of previous "clients" and demand that you send yours - passport, driver's license, TIN, etc. After a few hours or days, you will be informed that you have been taken to your bases, and you can contact such and such a bank and take out a loan. True, you need to apply personally, the intermediary will not appear anywhere.

And here are two development paths. The first is that you may not be granted a loan, for example, because of a bad credit history or because you requested too much money. Well, the “broker” sighs a little and announces that somewhere there was an overlay. There are no complaints against him, because you did not pay him money. Well, they did not give a loan, what to do.

But if they gave ... you hit! For their help, the "broker" will require part of the loan, usually 30-40%, but there are those who agree to help only for 70-80% of the loan amount. Considering that because of the desire to grab as much money as possible for free, many victims do not waste time on trifles and take loans immediately for 200 thousand - 2 million rubles. Calculate, the profit of a fraudster from only one person will be at least 60 thousand rubles, or even a couple of hundred thousand, if you're lucky.

Why a scammer, you say? After all, he helped to get a non-refundable loan. And who told you that it will be irrevocable? The bank does not distribute money and does not engage in charity. He earns by giving out loans at a certain percentage. Having missed 1-2 payments, believing in the word of the “broker” that you don’t have to pay anything, you will soon receive a notification that you have been charged a penalty and you need to urgently pay off the debt. Well, the “assistant” itself will have long disappeared by this time, and you will not find it. In addition to the beautiful words that he poured into your ears, he did nothing else.

As a result, you will sit with a huge debt, on which a fine will also accumulate, and think about where to get the money to pay it off. After all, by the time you receive the notice, you will obviously spend most of the amount, since you perceived it as a gift without any obligations, and you also transferred at least a third of it to the scammer. This is how Almaty residents suffered, who became a victim of Tatyana Belousova. Believing in her words about a bad loan, many of them took out loans ranging from 600 thousand tenge (105 thousand rubles) to 14 million tenge (2.5 million rubles). They transferred 80% of the amount to the fraudster for "help". Well, after a couple of months they found out that the loan was still, oh, what a repayable one, and now they are in huge debts.

This scheme has other unfortunate consequences besides the huge debt placed on the victim. The scammers keep her passport details and other documents. And this means that they can use them, for example, issue a few more loans to you without your knowledge, while the bank has not yet put you on the list of debtors due to ignoring payments. Or they can issue you an electronic wallet, which will then be used for money laundering or various frauds, in which law enforcement agencies will then accuse you, since your data appears.

Scheme 2. A small scammer

Not all scammers dare to breed their victims so hard and risk ending up in jail for several years. After all, not every one of them is able to confuse their tracks so much as not to be caught. However, you want to make money! That's why scammers came up with new scheme, safer for them and less harsh for their victims.

In the wake of people's increased interest in non-performing loans, scammers are now sending emails like this:

The criminal pretends to be an employee of a bank that is on the verge of bankruptcy and offers to issue you any loan in any amount. Yes, even a few million rubles! True, in order for him to be convinced of the seriousness of your intentions, that you will not abruptly change your mind or not show up for a meeting, you must transfer a small amount of money to him in advance, usually 1000-2000 rubles. Well, at the same time, send screenshots of your passport and other documents to the post office. I think you guessed that after transferring the money, the swindler will disappear. The “bank employee” who promised financial assistance will simply evaporate, and even, possibly, will use your passport data for illegal actions in the future.

Of course, losing 1000 rubles instead of 100,000-1,000,000 rubles is less painful and insulting, but I doubt that you got this money easily and you are ready to lose it for nothing. Moreover, since you are looking for a loan, then you have every ruble in your account.

Is there a non-refundable loan

A non-repayable loan actually exists, but this is not at all what various “loan brokers” offer you.

A loan is considered irrevocable if the borrower cannot fulfill its obligations. That is, even going to court or transferring the debt to collectors will not allow the bank to return its funds back. Such a situation is recognized if:

  • It is impossible to establish the place of residence of the borrower.
  • The borrower does not work, and he does not have any property that can be taken and sold as payment for the debt.

It is unlikely that you belong to any of these categories, which means that banks will always find a way to recover the funds issued to you - through the courts or with the involvement of collectors. You will either have a part of your salary taken to pay off the loan, or your property will be confiscated in favor of the lender. In addition, by not paying back the loan, you will ruin your credit history and you are unlikely to be able to borrow money later if such a situation suddenly happens, in addition, you will have to pay legal costs and a considerable penalty.

parting word

As you can see, all offers of assistance in obtaining a non-repayable loan are the most real fake. They will try to fool you and rip off as much money from you as possible. Require to transfer part of the amount as a deposit to confirm the seriousness of their intentions? After transferring the money, you will not see the “broker” anymore, and you will not receive a loan either. Do they inspire confidence by saying that they pay for their services only after receiving funds from the bank? Don't fall for it. You will hang a huge debt on yourself, while you will give a significant part of the amount to scammers. In addition, they will still have your passport data in their hands, which you so trustingly sent them. And who knows how and for what they can use them ...

Remember that any words about providing a non-repayable loan are complete nonsense. Follow this, and you will rake up the problems for a few more years. An irrevocable loan can only turn out to be if you do not work anywhere and you have nothing, which means it is impossible to recover anything from you, or if you are hiding and the bailiffs cannot find you. Moreover, this situation should persist for several years, until the bank writes off the loan amount from you. I do not think that this applies to you, and it is unlikely that you will want to get a bad credit history, which means that you will have to repay any loan.

I scrolled through the forum, I didn’t come across it here, sorry if I suddenly missed it ...
Maybe someone will be useful for general development, maybe someone will come up with new ideas ...

I warn you, this is wild bullshit, don’t even bother with good anonymity skills, you’ll only play with pieces of paper, and no pieces of paper can compensate for freedom.
I warned you, let's get started.

So what will we do?
WE will issue non-repayable loans, but we will not breed for prepayment and so on. how students do it. we will really "Help to get non-refundable loans" We will not take prepayments and any such dregs. We'll take the entire loan at once.

So we place ads of this kind everywhere "We help to get non-repayable loans, without prepayment. Without hidden fees and any hidden payments. REALLY HELP TO GET A NON-RETURNABLE LOAN, WITHOUT ADVANCE PAYMENT!!! Payment upon receipt of the loan

We agree with a potential client to work 50/50 (for example, change the numbers at your discretion), that is, as soon as he receives his cherished non-repayable loan, he gives half to you.

So the chela was found, The main thing is that he has a really good CI, Say that with a spoiled CI there is no chance at all !!!
We introduce ourselves as an employee of Tinkoff Bank, (I won’t say what position, etc., because it’s a secret) we agreed on everything. Chel sent us all the necessary scans, etc.
Now we will need the left phone that you did not use and the left sim.
We go to the Tinkov website and register a Card for 300k for our client
Mail and phone naturally write our left.
We warn our client that they will bring him soon credit card with a limit of 300k, but you can’t use it yet, you need to supposedly delete our client’s personal data from the system, A this card arrange it as a charity, so that when he started using it, it would not be blocked.

When the card is brought to him, we ask him for the number, validity period and svv, because without this we will not be able to delete the personal data of our client, since we do not know which card they are assigned to.

As soon as he gives us this data, we go to the Tinkoff website and activate this card. All the card number we have, terms and svv too, 3d seсure goes through our sim. We calmly merge babosiks onto a previously prepared left debit card or kiwi, and use babosiks!

There is a nuance, when delivering the card, the deliverer can ask the client to check whether the phone number is correct, here you need to discuss with him in advance that in order to carry out all these manipulations with transferring the card to a charity, the phone number of the head of a certain charity organization must be indicated for reporting (for example ), not his personal number.

I haven’t tried it myself, I’m posting it solely for informational purposes, so that inexperienced users do not fall for such a trick.

If the topic was interesting for you, leave sympathy.

Everyone sometimes dreamed of taking it from the bank and not returning it, and so that there was nothing for it. This is possible if the loan is recognized as irrecoverable.

The situation in which the borrower is unable to meet the obligations of the loan is called a non-performing loan.

Now, the Central Bank is taking drastic measures to eliminate such bad loans. Today, the list of loans subject to unambiguous write-off has increased.

Only recently, for loans overdue by a maximum of a year, banks made independent decisions to “drag out” the loan for “later” in order to find a borrower or solve the problem by selling collateral.

Now loans overdue for 1 year, the bank writes off from the balance.

Close attention is paid to cases when there is no chance to sell the debt to the same collectors:

  • the borrower has no property to collect;
  • the place of residence of the borrower is unknown;
  • it is impossible to take the collateral from the borrower.

To recognize a loan as bad, a convincing reason is required, since when a loan is recognized as bad, the bank incurs large financial losses.

A significant task of the security service of the creditor bank is to supply the organization with a solvent clientele, a clientele capable of both taking and repaying a loan on time. Despite this, the number of written-off loans still increased.

Factors affecting the increase in the number of NPLs

The number of loans that customers do not return has increased due to the fact that the Central Bank has tightened its policy towards banks and the work of the security services of financial institutions, since they sometimes perform personal functions in bad faith.

In addition, the number of bad loans has grown not without the help of fraudulent bank employees applying for a loan.

Naturally, this is a violation of the law, which does not go unnoticed by the state.

Is it possible to take a loan and not return the money

In a legal way, you can not repay a loan if you recognize the loan as hopeless. In order for the bank to “forgive” the debt, papers are needed that would confirm the insolvency and insolvency of the client.

Debt is liquidated when there is no chance of finding a borrower. Here we note that de facto, consumer loans, for which the borrower does not pay funds, are resold to collectors, in addition, a fine is imposed for late payment on the loan.

The statute of limitations on the loan expires in 3 years. Therefore, while the loan is recognized as irrecoverable, the borrower will have to go through a lot of things, and these experiences will not bring joy unambiguously.

A small business loan from the state is nothing more than financial state support for a small business entity. State financial support for small businesses has several main areas, these are: soft loans, subsidies, state and municipal guarantees for loans, loans (Article 17 federal law dated July 24, 2007 N 209-FZ "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation"). The main goal of the support itself is to use the potential of small businesses to create new jobs. To receive state assistance, an entrepreneur must meet the requirements and provide the necessary set of documents.

The main directions of state financial support for small businesses

Today, small businesses can count on the following types of state financial support:

  • Concessional lending. In most cases, it takes the form of microcredit (microloan, microcredit). Under its condition, small businesses can receive credit resources for the amount up to 1 million rubles at 8.25 or more annual interest for up to 1 year. Sometimes such a loan is issued without collateral.
  • State guarantee for loans(guarantee fund guarantee). It consists in providing entrepreneurs with a guarantee in the amount of up to 90% of the amount of obligations under the loan agreement. In fact, this means that in the case when an entrepreneur does not have enough of his own collateral to obtain a bank loan, he can apply for help from the state, namely the fund, which will act as a guarantor before the bank and thereby provide the missing part of the security.
  • Irrevocable (gratuitous) loan or government subsidies. Means by itself irrevocable transfer Money to start or grow a business. The amount of subsidies in each region is different.

The distribution of funds allocated for the implementation of support programs is carried out by the state (regional) funds for the support of small businesses (FSSF).

The above types of government support are not provided to small businesses engaged in: gambling business, production and sale of excisable goods (this includes: wine and vodka products, beer, tobacco products, cars, luxury goods, delicacies), mining and sale of minerals (with the exception of common minerals).


How to get a microloan

To take a microloan from the state you need:

  1. Apply.
  2. Provide the fund with the necessary package of documents (see below).
  3. Wait for the committee's decision.
  4. Upon receipt of a positive decision, conclude a loan agreement.

Conditions for granting a microloan

Microcredits are provided on the following terms:

  • the interest rate on the loan is not less than the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (today it is 8.25% in rubles "Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated September 13, 2012 No. 2873-U");
  • the amount is not more than 1,000,000 rubles;
  • up to 1 year;
  • credit funds are spent strictly for the intended purpose;
  • availability of collateral (not always required).

State guarantee for loans

How to get a state guarantee on a loan

In order to receive a state guarantee for a loan (which in fact is a guarantee of the guarantee fund), an entrepreneur needs:

  1. Apply for a loan (where you should indicate that you are counting on the guarantee of the fund) to one or more banks that are partners of the selected fund (the list of partner banks is posted on their websites).
  2. Provide the bank with the required set of documents (see below).
  3. Wait for the decision of the bank (if the application is approved, the bank will provide all Required documents to the fund).
  4. Wait for the fund's decision.
  5. In case of a positive decision, sign a tripartite agreement.
  6. Pay a fee to the fund.

Conditions for granting a state guarantee for a loan

The Guarantee Fund provides a surety under the following conditions:

  • the amount of the guarantee is not more than 90%, and in most cases - 50% of the amount of obligations under the loan agreement;
  • The minimum cost of the fund guarantee is 1.2% per annum of the guarantee amount, the maximum is 3.25% (the final percentage depends on the business area).

Irrevocable loan or subsidy from the state

How to get a non-repayable loan to start a business

To get a non-repayable loan (subsidy) for starting a small business, you need:

  1. Register as unemployed at the Employment Center, at the place of registration (for this you will need the following documents: passport, work book, certificate 2-NDFL from the previous place of work, TIN).
  2. If the application is approved, register as an individual entrepreneur.
  3. Pass an interview at the Employment Center (there you will have to answer questions regarding the proposed business idea).
  4. If the project is approved, conclude a contract for a subsidy.

Requirements for those wishing to receive this subsidy are minimal: age at least 18 years old, citizenship of the Russian Federation, availability of the above documents.

How to get a non-repayable loan for business development

To obtain a non-repayable loan for the development of a small business, an entrepreneur needs:

  1. Apply for a grant.
  2. Provide the fund with the required set of documents (see below).
  3. Wait for the decision of the competition committee.
  4. With a positive decision, conclude an agreement with the fund to receive a subsidy.

Conditions for granting a non-refundable loan

Irrevocable loans are provided under the following conditions:

  • intended use of the funds received;
  • documentary evidence of costs;
  • consent of the recipient to exercise control by the authorized body over the targeted spending of budgetary funds;
  • return to the budget of the region (which allocated funds) that part of the subsidy that will not be used within the period established by the agreement.

Requirements for the borrower

As a rule, the following requirements are put forward for small business owners wishing to receive state financial support:

  • registration and implementation of its activities in the region where it is planned to take a loan;
  • absence of overdue tax debts, as well as other mandatory payments before the budgets of all levels;
  • absence of violations of the conditions under previously concluded loan agreements;
  • absence of overdue debts on budgetary funds previously provided on a reimbursable basis;
  • ensuring the calculation of the monthly wages employees in the amount not lower than the established minimum (minimum wage - minimum size wages);
  • absence of wage arrears to employees;
  • the absence at the time of filing the application of procedures for the liquidation, reorganization or bankruptcy of the enterprise;
  • availability of security for the fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement: pledge, surety.

Required documents

An approximate list of documents required to receive state financial support is as follows:

  • application form;
  • applicant's passport;
  • registration certificate individual in tax authority(TIN);
  • certificate of state registration natural person as individual entrepreneur(OGRN);
  • business plan;
  • certificate of open settlement accounts of the applicant;
  • a certificate confirming the absence of production and sale of excisable goods;
  • licenses/certificates of the right to exercise economic activity(if their presence is required by the current legislation);
  • a document containing information on the average number of employees (AHR) for the previous calendar year (the day of newly registered individual entrepreneurs from the date of their state registration);
  • real estate lease (sublease) agreement (buildings and premises used for business activities) with an act of acceptance and transfer and / or certificates of ownership;
  • documents confirming the purchase and registration of equipment;
  • documents on securing a loan (if this guarantee is provided, a questionnaire and a copy of the passport are provided, if the property is pledged - title documents, insurance contracts);
  • a certificate confirming that the applicant has no arrears in fulfilling the obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties, fines (if there is an arrears, a document confirming its payment).
12 May 2015 19:15

In what cases can the bank "forgive" the borrower's debt?

A dream that everyone has thought about at least once in their life -take a bank loanand not pay. It turns out that this is really possible if your bank loan is recognized as bad. In recent years, the policy of the Central Bank has become much tougher in relation to such hopeless situations, whenbank loan remained in the hands of the borrower. The list of loan categories that are subject to write-off in without fail. For example, until recently, financial institutions were able to independently make decisions regarding loans that are overdue by more than 365 days. In practice, this meant that the bank "froze" such loans for 3-4 years, trying to find a way out of the situation, find a borrower or solve problems with his collateral. Now loans with a delay of 365 days must be written off the balance sheet of the banking structure. The tightening also applies to cases where the debt cannot be sold to the same collectors or to another financial organization:

  • the borrower does not have any property that could be recovered;
  • the place of residence of the borrower is unknown;
  • it is impossible to take the collateral of the borrower.

A non-performing loan is a situation where the borrower is unable to meet his credit obligations. In order for a loan to be recognized as bad, there must be a good reason, because it is precisely because of such loans that the bank incurs direct losses. The security service of any financial organization works in order to provide the bank with borrowers who will be able not onlytake Bank loan but also to repay the loan obligations in full and on time. But, nevertheless, the number of written-off loans last year increased significantly.

Why are there more non-performing loans?

Of course, this is due to the ruble devaluation trends that hit hard currency borrowers, the tightening of the Central Bank's policy and the failures in the work of each individual bank's security service. In addition, cases of fraud have become more frequent; advertisements for non-performing loans, which are replete with the Internet, offer potential borrowers with the help of bank employees to apply for a loan for which they then do not have to pay. This scheme works due to the fact that the employee who is supposed to check you for solvency is a front man, a fraudster, draws up all the papers, for example, for collateral, which obviously cannot be used by the bank to pay the loan and the like.

Obviously, this is a violation of the law, and more than one criminal case has recently been initiated on the fact of fraud, in which both a bank employee and a gullible borrower were found guilty.

Howtake a bank loanand not return?

If we talk about legal ways of recognizing a loan as bad, which leads to its write-off, then in order for the bank to “forgive” your debt, you must provide documents confirming your insolvency. Debts are also written off if the borrower cannot be found. It is worth saying that a non-performing loan is not something like a “freebie”, almost all consumer loans are issued without guarantors and collaterals and, in case of non-payment, are transferred to collectors, and you also face a fine for overdue loans

Term limitation period loan is 3 years. Therefore, before your loan is recognized as irrecoverable, you will have to endure a lot of things and it's not just about endless calls from collectors.




Hello! We really need competent advice. In November 2011, I took a loan for 30,000 from Svyaznoy Bank and through May (2014) I paid regularly 3,000 every month. But the card is reverse, every month I deposit 3,000 and immediately withdraw some of it (when 500, when 1500) to make a monthly installment on a loan to the second bank Russian Standard. God forbid to take somewhere else a loan. Never! In total, checks for payment to Svyaznoy for 90,000. Once he overdue payment, collectors began to call with the rudest tone, threats. After that, he stopped paying the bank! Collectors, namely the Regional Collection Service, are still calling, they are frightening with reprisal, court, I record all conversations, I say that if I pay, then only through the court! due 40.000. What should I do, what is the right thing to do in my case? Will they sue me? I formally blocked my debt 2 times with one percent. Am I right?

26 Aug 2015 05:05
  • Loan arrears - how not to end up in a debt hole

Hello Eugene

There are many emotions in your question, but little legally significant information. Not being able to study the payment schedule and the loan agreement, all I can advise is to file a lawsuit, terminate the loan agreement forcibly, provide payment documents in court and try to close the loan. But this is ideal.
Credit card checks can be a large amount, but if you deposited money and immediately withdrawn it, then there can be no question of any repayment.
It is necessary to look at the documents and understand, it is impossible to solve the problem in absentia.

26/08/2015 11:55

Hello, my husband took a loan from VTB Bank. Money is taken from him working card she is also VTB. Do they have the right to withdraw all the money, because we have a small child. If they don’t, then what should we do?

10 Sep 2015 06:00

Hello Evgenia Sergeevna. If the agreement contains a clause on debiting without acceptance or a separate agreement is concluded, then the bank, in case of debt, has the right to write off funds from the (other) accounts of this client in the bank. At the same time, the bank, as well as bailiffs, do not know the only source of income and what funds exactly come to the card. You can reduce the amount of deductions by contacting the bank with a statement and attaching documents that this is the only source of income, or through the court. Also attach supporting documents. This may be a certificate of income from work and an extract from the personal account of this card so that the amounts match.

16/09/2015 22:03

Good afternoon, a message came to the phone number from the Russian Standard Bank about repaying the loan, the fact is that I tried to take a phone on credit online, on the website of one of the online stores, I don’t remember which store, subsequently refused the goods, immediately on the site, but the fact that I DID NOT TAKE ANYTHING AND DID NOT SIGN contracts, did not provide the original of my passport, I HAVE NO GOODS, (I understand that I acted stupidly trying to get a loan on the site, my fault) the bank claims that they transferred the money to this online store and they accepted the money, and that I need to contact this online store, they can provide me with data about the store, only in a month, but for now, as the bank put it, “You need to make a payment”, this is how to understand ? I am not obliged to pay on a non-existent loan, because, as I said above, I personally did not sign the loan agreement, I did not sign, I did not provide the original passport, I don’t have a loan agreement and I don’t have goods in my hands, What’s going on?

12 Sep 2015 04:00

Hello Victoria, ignore the requirements of the bank, because according to the current Russian Federation The Civil Code provides for a simple written form for a loan agreement (which in turn, among other things, requires your signature) and failure to comply with this form entails the recognition of such a transaction (loan agreement) as void, and therefore not concluded. Even if the bank goes to court with a claim, the likelihood of a worse outcome for you is negligible. If you have any questions please get in touch.

17/09/2015 16:20

Hello. My husband and I took out a mortgage. Dispersed. I'm on maternity leave in a month. He refuses to pay. January 18, the first payment. Is it possible to give an apartment to a bank and pay off the loan with this?

29 Jan 2016 22:50

hello. The least painful option is to find yourself to whom to sell this apartment and put up with the loss (loss of the down payment or additional payment to the bank). Otherwise, if you just stop paying, the bank will charge penalties and fines, then it will sell the apartment at an auction far from the market price, and as a result, you will still owe the bank. At least a similar approach exists in the West (with the exception of the nuances when a person declares personal bankruptcy).

30/01/2016 12:56

Hello, mortgage question. Took 2007 mortgage in 2009, during the crisis, I did a restructuring - it helped me a lot. but in 2015, since February, I can’t pay off bank obligations, I only have enough for living (two children 6 and 9 years old and my wife changed jobs - for now min payment) in April again asked the bank to pay half of the payment. but after 1.5 months of consideration they refused. Now the bank has filed a lawsuit (115 days of delay have passed) Taking a consumer loan is also not an option, and they won’t let me have no office. work - I work for myself. I hope that things will get better, but the prospects that the apartment will be taken away for nothing through the court are frightening. Which exit? Urgently seek and pay the current debt or go to court? through the court, what are the options for the outcome in this situation, is it possible to hope that the bank will defer payment? In fact, if we sum up all the payments, then we almost paid the amount of the loan, but the bank takes a percentage at first, and to repay the cost of the square. tiny amounts. maybe there are precedents for revising the terms of the contract, taking into account the actually paid amounts on the loan?

8 Mar 2016 10:50

Hello, in your case, it is best to find money to pay off the resulting debt.
If the bank went to court, then they will not voluntarily agree to a delay, in the future your apartment will be sold at an open auction following the results of the court, the only thing that can be done in court is to ask for a delay in the sale of property at auction, paragraph 3 of Art. 54 FZ "On mortgage"

15/03/2016 18:08

Hello, my name is Ilya. I took a car loan from cetelem bank on 09.11.2012 for three years. I pay without delay, every month on the 29th of nine thousand rubles. I pay with my wife's bank card. Once again, on December 29, 2014, the employees of the cetelem bank reported on January 22, 2015 that the funds had not been received into their account. On January 23, my wife and I turned to Sberbank with a question. to which we were told that the money was frozen due to technical reasons. We have submitted a request for a refund. When asked who will pay the fine for overdue days, we were answered (Sberbank will not pay your fines!). Nine thousand we once again sent on January 23. PLEASE TELL WHAT TO DO?

21 Apr 2016 10:50

Hello Ilya Vasilievich. If your contract states that payment is considered to be the receipt of funds, then penalties for late payment can be recovered as losses from Sberbank. Since there were technical problems in their system, they were obliged to notify you.