One-story house on a slope. Features of choosing a project depending on the steepness of the slope

Since time immemorial, people have been building cities and villages, where space has become less and less, and the desire to build their own housing under the protection of fortress walls has led to the fact that a person had to acquire his hearth both on the water and in the mountains and build a house on a plot with a slope .

As practice has shown, these unique architectural and construction masterpieces were not only visually beautiful, but in many ways practical. Today, a house on a sloped plot can be made unique and inimitable. It is important to know a few rules and listen to the advice of professional builders and designers.

House on a plot with a slope: pros and cons

You have land for construction, not flat. What to do if the angle is rather big, but there are no ideas how to deal with it. There is a simple recipe in such cases - to use all the disadvantages as advantages. To change your attitude to this issue, viewing the implemented solutions of designers, current projects of houses on a site with a slope will help you.

After analyzing all the negative and positive aspects of building such a house, we can name the following positive points:

  • a slight slope will allow you to create a system of terraces, which in turn will organize a high-quality layout of the courtyard of the cottage, will allow you to apply the best practices landscape design ;
  • a house on a plot with a slope, can be located on several levels, without the cost of building a lower floor or at minimal cost;
  • a slope of up to 8% will allow you to take the lower floor for household needs, you can use this part of the house for a garage. Thus, a part of the territory is freed up, which would be used less rationally on the flat terrain;
  • terraced layout, multi-storey houses look very impressive and will add uniqueness to your home.

There is also an important economic component - the price of land on a slope is traditionally lower than the price of a flat site for construction.

There are also negative aspects in such construction:

  • due to close contact with large masses of earth and the possible flow of upper groundwater through the structure of the house, enhanced waterproofing of the foundation, and sometimes parts of the walls, their strengthening is required;
  • construction on several levels will require additional costs for materials for terraces, steps, fences, and other elements of the house;
  • required development of an individual project, since a typical project is unlikely to be suitable in this case, since too many features may appear on such a site;
  • laying communications will be more complex and may require the installation of additional equipment, including pumps and other devices.

Let's start building

The first thing to do when you have made the right decision not to fight the natural landscape with expensive bulldozer attacks, but to use all the advantages of such a gift of nature is to plan your house on a sloping lot.

In this case, we still recommend consultation with specialists who could assess all the risks and all the positive aspects of such construction. The designers of the InnovaStroy company can help draw up a master plan for the site, carry out the necessary design work and offer a 3-D visualization of the new house from several angles, which will be presented as a photo of houses on a site with a slope. You will only have the choice of a specific project.

These same specialists will be able to give an estimate of how much such construction will cost and whether you can handle the maximum costs, and they will also tell you how to adjust the estimate documentation. While you are thinking about what to do, we will tell you what you will have to do in any case face the owner of such an unusual house, and what could be the projects of houses on a plot with a slope.

Consider slopes near

If your site has a slight slope - no more than 6-8%, then the designers will most likely offer to fill in the upper part of the land and carry out construction on a leveled site. This will minimize costs and create conditions for rational drainage, reducing the risk of landslides and other unpleasant moments. In this case, the upper level of the site turns into a terrace with a steeper slope beyond the foundation and walls of the house.

Other conditions occur when the slope is greater than 8%. Then, using these features of the relief, it is possible to build a basement and use it to accommodate a car, other equipment, all kinds of boiler rooms, pumping stations, and storage facilities. It should be remembered that in this case, the walls will need to be waterproofed in advance to create additional protection from water spring and autumn flows.

If your land slope tends to be 15-25%, then this is a construction site that will be based on the creation of terraces and a multi-level building. Terraces can turn into places of rest with gazebos, armchairs, awnings. The house can be arranged on several floors at different levels, with separate entrances. This will make it possible to make the most of the land area and create comfortable conditions for those who live in the house. As you can see, even if you have a land plot with a large slope, this will not interfere with building a good house. It is necessary to use these features of the relief logically and rationally.

Remember the pocket of cold and the southern sun

A house on a slope is no different from other houses in terms of the main parameters of the placement of the central entrance and lighting. As in other cases, it is recommended to place the main entrance to the building on the south side. On the same side, it is best to provide for the construction of terraces and the placement of windows. This will add warmth to the house and sunlight into the windows, will reduce the time for freezing of the soil and snow cover near the entrance in the cold season. If it is not possible to place the entrance on the south side, then it can be done on the southeast or east side.

It is also important that it is best to build a house at the highest point, maybe not in the center of the site, but higher than other places. This will keep the foundation and walls from getting wet and leaking. There is one more thing - the water will drain from the roofs and the surrounding area away from the house, and not to it. The advantage of building a house on a high point is the possibility of organizing a basement and plumbing at no additional cost or at minimal cost.

  • the distance from the perimeter of the house to the outbuildings (if it is planned to maintain a municipality or keep animals, install an external toilet with a septic tank) should be at least 15 meters;
  • when placing a house, one should remember about the presence of the so-called cold pocket. This is the place where colder, heavier air currents flock to at night. A house on a slope will be affected by such currents as they move downwards around the building. Therefore, it is best to place the house so that the entrance and most of the windows are on the leeward side. Then the cold air masses will not be so felt in the evening and at night;
  • the construction of such a house requires strengthening the slope with special engineering structures. It is worth talking about this feature of the house on the slope in more detail.

We strengthen the slope

Strengthening the slope is important, first of all, because even an ideal choice of foundation and the presence of light building walls will provoke soil slippage due to pressure on the ground. These are the laws of physics.

This unpleasant, and even dangerous process can be prevented by strengthening the slope with the help of soil reinforcement. For such manipulations, new types are used. building materials– geogrids or geogrids together with geotextiles. The meaning of the action of these strengthening elements is that, thanks to the mesh cellular structure, they can be filled with more solid loose rocks. As a result, this structure gets stronger engagement, strengthens the hardness of the slope, stops erosion. Another traditional way to strengthen the slope is to divide it into terraces. Each of the terraces is a separate part of the slope, and if it is strengthened and built up with its own retaining walls and structures, then the issue of erosion and soil washout is removed.

The blind area of ​​the house on a plot with a slope

The blind area of ​​the house on a plot with a slope it is necessary, first of all, for the construction of a reliable home with the features mentioned above. What should be remembered in its arrangement? First of all, the fact that it should be done almost immediately, and not postpone the construction of this element of protecting the house from soil washout.

To secure the house and give it additional waterproofing, the blind area should be with a slight slope of 2-5 degrees. This will allow water to immediately drain from the surface. The width of the blind area should be at least 60 cm, and usually it is made within 1 meter in width and with a groove along the contour. This allows water to be collected and channeled through the gutters, ensuring minimal seepage into the soil, under the house.

Before pouring the blind area formwork, which is usually kneaded from durable concrete grades, waterproofing should be made between the blind area body and the wall. Such waterproofing will make it possible not to soak the structures even under the influence of a strong flow of water. Usually, the blind area is made with an underlying layer, which is carefully tamped and pre-treated with herbicides. This will eliminate the growth of weeds that actively destroy the concrete screed of the blind area.

The foundation of everything is the head

The walls and roof of a house that is built on a slope are no different from those that are located on a flat area. But the foundation requires special attention. We have already said that in order to build a house on a slope, it is desirable to obtain data from designers who can conduct geological surveys. This is very important, because before starting construction, it is necessary to decide what will be house foundation on a sloping lot

To do this, study:

  • soil properties;
  • the presence of groundwater;
  • the possibility of landslides due to the properties of neighboring land;
  • the presence of stony deposits and much more.

Such a study can significantly reduce construction costs, as it can prompt designers for the optimal design of a house.

The foundation in this case can be built using different technologies:

  1. Equal-level foundation with excavation of all soil to level the site. Such a foundation construction technology is, in principle, suitable for any slope, but it is more rational for small angles, since in the case of a slope of more than 8%, it will require large-scale expensive earthworks. From the name it is clear that we are talking about the construction of a foundation that will adhere to the ground at the same level over its entire area, that is, the angle of inclination is cut off using earthmoving equipment.
  2. A stepped foundation with a cascading arrangement. In this case, the foundation is built in an unusual way - in steps, from level to level. Such a foundation is usually made tape and has a lingering side at a right angle to the slope. This increases the resistance to the action of water and earth, gives greater resistance to slipping.
  3. Multi-soil foundation on screw piles. If you choose this type of foundation, then we will talk about screwed piles that can be installed in soil of different densities. The foundation will not require major earthworks or the installation of large monolithic concrete blocks. But there is one drawback - it will not work to build a large basement, since piles will take its place. Such a foundation does not differ in strength from other options, and is suitable for soil even with fairly strong water content and soft rocks.

The uniqueness of the image

A house on a slope is a complex engineering and technical structure. In addition to design art, here you need to apply a lot of purely practical knowledge, the ability to skillfully use the properties of concrete, waterproofing materials.

Improvement of the house, which is located on land plot located on a slope can cost more than a house located on a flat area. But at the same time, you will not incur additional costs for the quality design of a personal plot, landscape design of a cottage. Excess of the cost part in the construction of the house will increase the attractiveness, gives room for comfortable arrangement of terraces, the construction of cascades of decorative pools, interesting design solutions in landscape gardening art. And do not forget - the uniqueness of the house, primarily in the originality of its composition, the beautiful presentation of the appearance. Namely, the house on the slope is distinguished by the uniqueness of the project and the memorable way.

Your own house is always good, especially if it was built according to a personal project. This expands the possibilities, allows you to create real dream cottage. But what if a non-standard plot is offered for development? The relief of our country is so diverse that often people have to build up the slopes. This is especially true in mountainous areas. Such construction has its own characteristics. But given all our recommendations and advice, you can build a magnificent building even on the most difficult terrain!


The type of building depends on the main type of terrain on which the building will be located in the future. In general, reliefs are divided into 4 types:

  1. Smooth. As a rule, it has a slope, but its value is no more than 3%.
  2. with a slight slope is determined by the parameter up to 8%.
  3. Middle is up to 20%.
  4. Steep has a value of more than 20%.
  5. Advice! To determine the slope index, you need to take two points on the slope. Draw a vertical line from the top, and a horizontal line from the bottom. Measure the distance from the points to their intersection. The ratio of these segments will indicate the magnitude of the slope in percentage terms.

    Construction methods

    To build a slope, you can use one of two building options:

  • write in ;
  • flatten the landscape.
  1. In the first case, complex architectural calculations are necessary, but this will make such features an advantage of the structure.
  2. The second option will take a little longer, but at the same time it will allow you to build any building according to any project.

Building types

Most standard designs are designed to build buildings on a flat surface. In this case, the presence and size of the foundation is determined based on the type of soil, as well as the size of the building. may have no basis at all. For cottages, it must be massive and fortified.

  • If an inclined relief is chosen for construction, then imported bulk soil can be used for buildings on a small slope. With its help, the built-up area is leveled. In this case, a foundationless building is being erected.
  • If the slope is of medium parameters, then it will be impossible to organize a pillow using bulk soil. In such cases, one of the sides of the house is raised to high plinth. Its size can reach such dimensions that it will be possible to equip an entire floor in which you can arrange a garage. . store or even equip a kind of place to relax.
  • If you have to build a steep slope, in this case it is important to contact the experts. They will select or develop an individual project, taking into account all the features of the area. First of all, you should pay attention to the characteristics of the soil.

Advice! For building slopes of varying degrees of complexity, you can use multi-level houses. They will allow you to qualitatively beat the features of the relief. Created at the same time will become an additional place for recreation.


Building a house on a slope is one of the most difficult architectural tasks. In the process of solving it, even the most experienced specialists face the following difficulties.

  1. The need to develop an individual project. Each house in this case is unique, since it is necessary to take into account the level of slope, as well as the characteristics of the soil, the likelihood of its shift and the direction in which the slope falls, etc.
  2. Long preparatory stage. Depending on the magnitude of the slope, as already mentioned, additional measures must be taken to create a stable foundation, which can take a long time.
  3. An increase in costs, as additional expensive materials may be needed to create a stable foundation.
  4. The complexity of the work of special equipment.
    • All these factors lead to one big drawback - they do not allow to calculate the period of construction and commissioning of the object.

    Foundation Features

    In some cases, as already mentioned, it is possible to build residential buildings without a foundation. But if its presence is nevertheless necessary, it must be strong enough to withstand the changes that the ground lends itself to. For this, as a rule, a reinforcing mesh is used. It can be made from thick rebar.

    Advice! For reinforcement, it is best to use a production Euro-lattice. It is made in such a way as to resist the movement of the ground, which is often observed if the surface is uneven.

    The difference of such a foundation is also that it is much larger than that of other objects. It deepens along the side that is on the high side of the slope. It is also advisable to use a pile foundation. It does not require digging deep pits.

    Building a house on a slope has its positive and negative features. The unique characteristics of sloping terrain offer excellent architectural solutions, which come at a cost. How to build a house on a slope, read this article.

    The conditions for the construction of a new house depend on the relief of the soil. A conditionally flat area is located at a slope of 3%, a slight deviation - from 3 to 8%, an average - up to 20%, steep terrain - more than 20%.

    Plots with a margin of error of 3% suggest low construction costs. Ideally, the slope goes south or down from the center. Here, a small amount of soil is required to protect the building from water. The width of the bedding is 1 - 1.5 m greater than the size of the supporting structure.

    The terrain, located at a slope of 7%, suggests shallow structures without a basement. Soil filling is required.

    On the territory with an 8% slope, the construction of a basement floor is not excluded. By cutting out the sloping part of the soil, it is possible to build an underground garage if there is an entrance from the side of the slope.

    When erecting a building on a site with an 8% slope, it is necessary to waterproof the sides of the foundation that are in contact with the ground vertically and horizontally.

    A slope of over 15–20% contributes to a multi-tiered building. There are several separate terraces equipped with seating areas. The terraces are connected by steps, and the slopes are strengthened with props or fruit crops are planted, the roots of which protect the base from landslides.

    Disadvantages of a house on a slope

    • It is necessary to prevent landslides and strengthen the slope.
    • With a large slope - difficulty with the entrance of special equipment and the construction of the structure.

    Benefits of building on a slope

    • The embodiment of complex architectural ideas, panoramic view.
    • Creation of a unique landscape and construction of recreation areas - waterfalls, terraces, decorative structures under the slope.
    • Draining surface water down the slope will save on irrigation.
    • With cascade construction (each floor is directed towards the hill), the cost of building a basement floor is reduced.
    • The site price is lower.

    House location

    The correct solution is to build a building on the southern slope. Private houses are best directed to the east, southeast and south. They provide light and warmth. In winter, less snow accumulates on the south side, it melts faster. If housing is to be built on the western slope, then the foundation is being built closer to the northern border to the highest point.

    Preparing a site on a slope for construction

    The study of soil features.

    The height of unstable soils varies from 1 to 3 m. The danger of the site is evidenced by ravines, erosion, lopsided trees and pillars.

    High soil depth and high slope angle indicate low soil strength.

    Organization of the drainage system.

    According to the height of the site, you need to dig a ditch directed down, enclosing the construction site. Drainage is made along the perimeter of the house (part of the soil is replaced with sand or concrete) and a blind area (1–1.5 m).

    Strengthening the slope.

    Strengthening the soil is necessary to prevent landslides, increase the bearing capacity and protect the foundation from subsidence, deformation and even erosion.

    Soil reinforcement.

    Soil reinforcement by installing geogrids (flexible honeycomb materials for sand filling) on ​​the base of the slope and geotextiles (sheet for the outflow of water between the layers of the slope).


    Creating ledges on an elephant by cutting off part of the ground. Flat areas are fixed with geogrids and geotextiles, and the side surfaces are supported with monolithic or brick walls with further decoration. The boundaries of the site are decorated with large stones.

    Foundation for a house on a slope

    The deepening of the structure requires compliance with 4 principles:

    • protection against erosion by underground waters;
    • landslide protection;
    • creation of a sand cushion;
    • ensuring rigid fixation of the sides of the base (the walls must withstand the lateral pressure of the soil).

    Preliminary geological studies will help determine the choice of foundation, the technology of its construction.

    There are 3 options for the foundation for a house on a slope:

    Horizontal base
    with leveling the site or adding soil. On a steep slope (more than 15%), excavation from the vertical side naturally decreases. The building crashes into the slope. Foundation options: tape or pile.

    stepped foundation(cascade arrangement) in the form of ledges on a slope. A continuous stepped belt along the slope provides maximum resistance to vertical soil pressure. The depth of soil deposits is not higher than 1.5–2 m. A strip type of foundation is used.

    Screw pile foundation the ideal solution for the construction of wooden or frame rooms on any type of soil (except for rocks). Such a foundation does not involve the construction of a basement. Piles are screwed into the ground on their own or with the help of special equipment. The length of the pile depends on the thickness of stable soils (sand). Depending on the type of soil and construction conditions, piles with different diameters and distances between the blades are used. The number of piles is set individually.

    The construction of a building on a slope is a troublesome business. Given the characteristics of the area and well thought out layout, you can build a reliable and unique in its structure house.

    With the right approach and the use of special architectural design, the relief of a construction site can be turned from a disadvantage into a virtue. For example, in many cases, by building cottages on slopes, developers manage to save on material consumption. This is achieved through the competent use of natural elevation differences, and the placement of all technical rooms in the back of the basement. At the same time, the front part of the basement has all the advantages of the above-ground floor and can be equipped as a residential area.

    In a house on a plot with a slope, the interior space is zoned in the same way as in all other houses with a basement. In them, technical premises are referred to the basement, the daytime zone (living room, dining room, kitchen, guest room, etc.) is located on the ground floor, and the sleeping area with the owners' private rooms occupies the upper floor, which can be both traditional, as well as attic. Individual design of the house takes into account all the features of the site.


    Houses on steep slopes are convenient in that they always have fairly high plinths, in which you can equip built-in garages, and not worry that the sloping drive will take up too much space on the site. Another important advantage is that you can plan a summer kitchen in the basement.

    An important advantage is the possibility of spectacular design of both the house itself, built on a slope, and the area around it. A relief backyard area is a dream of any landscape designer, as here you can plant exotic plants, create artificial reservoirs, use a variety of decorations, and all this will be in perfect harmony.

    Construction Options

    The characteristics of the slope are calculated by comparing the highest and lowest points on the slope. Slopes are measured in fractions or percentages. They are divided into small (with a value of up to 8%), medium (from 8 to 20%), and steep. Naturally, with small slopes, the least hassle. They are suitable for the simplest solutions to the relief problem. For example, a site with a slight slope can be leveled and adapted for the construction of the most ordinary house, designed for a flat construction site. To do this, soil is poured from the side of the slope, raising the lower point of the building spot to the level of the upper one.

    A small slope allows you to more intelligently plan the site, and place additional buildings on a level lower than a residential building. In this case, structures such as a garage, a barn, a bathhouse or a gazebo for relaxation will not block the view from the windows of the cottage and will not block the access of sunlight.

    If there is a small or medium slope on the site, you can build houses with a basement, partially submerged in the depth of the slope. Their first floor is aligned with the highest point of the development spot. Under this floor, a basement is being designed, under which the foundation pit is leveled at the lowest point of the development spot. The main entrance can be from any facade. Often, a separate entrance is provided for the basement, due to which a clear separation of the technical and residential areas of the building is carried out. By choosing this construction option, you can try to find a suitable standard project designed for relief areas. However, in most cases it is necessary to create individual projects, taking into account all the parameters of the slope and soil. In order to save money and time, you can take a typical house project and order an individual adjustment of only the basement of the building.

    On a steep slope, cottages are built from several levels, each of which is shifted like a cascade. This option is the most expensive. It requires the participation of highly qualified designers and the availability of a high-quality individual project. Experts do not recommend leveling steep slopes and building ordinary cottages on them, designed for flat areas. The fact is that land works of this level are very expensive, and as a result, you can get an unreliable mobile soil layer.

    The layout of such cascading cottages is quite complex, but original. Auxiliary rooms are located in the recessed part of the floors - a kitchen, a dressing room, a gym, a utility room for storing food, etc. The basement with the other levels does not have to be connected with an internal staircase, but internal communication with the day and sleeping floors is mandatory. However, if you wish, you can also make separate entrances to each bedroom, for example, through a common outdoor terrace.

    House project for building on a slope. Material - aerated concrete blocks

    This house will look good on a site with a difficult terrain. The project provides for the presence of all the necessary components of a full-fledged country house: garage, boiler room, workshop and storeroom. The floors are planned on a multi-level basis.

    Project Summary

    • 1st floor with basement and garage
    • Total / living area - 168.10 / 81.40 sq. m
    • 4 living rooms
    • Foundation - tape prefabricated
    • Walls - aerated concrete
    • Roof - pitched attic, covering - metal tile
    • Exterior finish: plaster, cladding

    Project No. 2 House from a bar

    A tribute to ecology - a project of a house made of timber for plots with a gentle slope. Garage and utility rooms are located in the basement. In a small basement, which occupies part of the area under the house, using the terrain, there is a garage for one car, a boiler room and a workshop. On the ground floor there is a living room, two bedrooms and a kitchen connected by a spacious hall.

    Project Summary

    • Single storey house with basement and garage
    • Total / living area - 139.80 / 59.40 sq. m
    • 3 living rooms
    • Foundation - tape prefabricated
    • Walls - timber of pine, cedar, larch
    • Roof - pitched attic with metal roofing
    • Exterior finish - tinting with special protective and decorative compounds

    Project №3 Round log house

    The project of a solid house made of logs. The architect provided for two floors, as well as a basement with a garage and utility rooms and a terrace with a canopy. The layout of the first floor includes a combined living-dining room and kitchen, zoned with a fireplace. On the second floor - bedrooms, toilet and Utility room, as well as a hall-balcony overlooking the living room.

    Project Summary

    • Two storey house with basement and garage
    • Total / living area - 247.80 / 90.60 sq. m
    • 5 living rooms
    • Foundation - monolithic reinforced concrete
    • Walls - logs
    • Ceilings - on wooden beams
    • Roof - pitched mansard with a coating of bituminous tiles
    • Facade decoration - decorative and protective tinting

    Project №4 Ultramodern house on a slope

    Ultramodern house project. The location on the slope will only emphasize its unusualness and beauty. The basis of the architectural style is constructivism. Thoroughly designed layout is made taking into account the most modern trends. An utility block with a garage is located on the ground floor. On the ground floor there is a living room with a fireplace connected to the kitchen-dining room through a wide opening, a bedroom for lingering guests, which can be converted into an office or library. The second floor is reserved for a recreation and sleep area with all necessary amenities.

    Project Summary

    • Two storey house with basement and garage
    • Total / living area - 257.10 / 120.00 sq. m
    • 5 living rooms
    • Foundation - tape prefabricated
    • Walls - aerated concrete blocks, 400 mm
    • Ceilings - reinforced concrete slabs
    • Roofing - from tiles
    • Exterior finish - wet plaster facade

    Project No. 5 House on a slope in a palace style

    An excellent country mansion in the best traditions of palace and park ensembles. The elegance of the facades and architectural forms make it possible to harmoniously fit the mansion into any surrounding landscape. The interior layout meets the most modern requirements for comfortable housing.

    Project Summary

    • Two-story house with basement, no garage
    • Total / living area - 378.60 / 151.00 sq. m
    • 7 living rooms
    • Foundation - tape prefabricated
    • Walls - foam concrete, 400 mm
    • Ceilings from reinforced concrete slabs
    • Roof structure - pitched attic with metal roofing
    • Facade finishing - plaster